LENR Vendors and Researchers
By Lutz Jaitner, last update: January 2021
With input from divers sources, e.g. Alan
Smith/LENR Forum, LENRIA, LENR company web sites,
web site of the European Union, court files, ICCF proceedings,
Steven B. Krivit/New Energy Times
Meanwhile, the landscape of LENR research and development has become so vast, that the following list
has no chance to be complete. Some historical figures and organizations are not mentioned anymore, because
they no longer contribute. If you want something to be included or corrected in this list, please don't
hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Brian Ahern
- Ahern was inspired by a device invented by Arthur Manelas (deceased), which used ferrite powder with
wires wrapped around to create electricity
- In 2017 Ahern announced he will try a replication of the historical Thermacore runaway experiment
(seen as an accident by then). The Thermacore experiment was based on degassed nickel meshes in a steal
dewar. The dewar was pressurized to 2 atmospheres of hydrogen gas. The dewar in this experiment
spontaneously heated up to 800 °C and the neckel mesh was melting
- In 2015 Ahern announced he'll perform a Parkhomov-type of experiment in Acton, Massachusetts,
together with Jeff Driscoll and Andrew Anselmo
- The team used two alumina tubes with carbonyl Ni powder and sodium aluminum hydride in a tube furnace
- Published a couple of LENR-linked patents, e.g. EP3047488B1
- Hosted a conference at their Tolouse (France) HQ
- Research under supervision of J-F Geneste, now working elsewhere
- Collaborators included Dr. Bernhard Kotzias (retired), who is also the primary author of the patents.
Kotzias is now engaged in nuclear reactions research based on Rydberg matter (see Norrønt Fusion Energy AS)
- Airbus management allegedly stopped funding the LENR research
- Principal LENR researcher: Tanja Kallio, Associate professor for electrochemical energy
conversion and storage, department of chemistry and materials science
- Received € 385,000 of funding from the EU as part of the HERMES
project for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat
generation with hydrogen-metal systems" based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- Founder, president and scientific advisor: Dr. Mastromatteo
- Mastromatteo retired in 2014 from STMicroelectronics
- Performed a number of LENR experiments, e. g. with palladium thin films in deuterium
- Detected excess heat in several cases
- Replication attempts of Mizuno's experiment with palladium-rubbed nickel meshes in deuterium atmosphere.
He saw no excess heat there.
- Discovered that protium gas was absorbed into nickel at romm temperature to a ratio of 1.2 hydregen
atoms per nickel atom, if the palladium was electrochemically deposited on the nickel sample. This high
loading was not achievable with deuterium, but the sample then produced large amounts of heat for about
20 minutes without any power input from the outside.
- ARGAL received funding from Industrial Heat
- See also Hydrobetatron and FutureON
- Funded by the International Science Foundation, The SAFIRE PROJECT was created to test the Electric Sun
model, which proposes that electricity plays a major role in the creation and functioning of the atmospheres
of stars and our sun
- Observed transmutations and excess energy release, among a wealth of other findings. These findings would
be well-aligned with LENR, but the project claims, this were not LENR
- The plasma temperature can be up to 25,000°C
- The company Aureon Energy wants to tap into a rapidly growing global energy sector as well as the
nuclear remediation sector
- Interestingly, the results of the SAFIRE PROJECT provide an indication, that the processes in the
solar atmosphere involve LENR
- A 2012 document from Boeing revealed that Boing is looking at LENR for future green-powered aircraft
- The document, "Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research Phase-II: N+4 Advanced Concept Development",
was written by Marty K. Bradley and Christopher K. Droney of Boeing Research and Technology and prepared
for NASA Langley Research Center
- The document is the result of a team effort by Boeing Research and Technology, Boeing Commercial
Airplanes, General Electric and Georgia Institute of Technology's Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory
to identify and analyze advanced concepts and technologies for aircraft that may fly in the 2030-2035 timeframe
- Founded and lead by Dr. Randell L. Mills
- Attracted more than $75 million of venture capital
- Mills claims, their devices are not based on LENR, but on “Hydrinos” (shrunken hydrogen
atoms). However, all experimental results can also be understood in the context of LENR
- Their SunCell design uses jets of molten metal (i.e gallium or silver) to bridge the electrodes.
Pulses of up to 30 kA explode these jets into plasma bursts.
The surrounding atmosphere containing hydrogen provides the fuel
- Validations of prototypes with a water bath colorimeter demonstrated up to 340 kW of excess heat with a
COP (energy gain) of 4.7
- The latest approach is to use a MHD (magnete-hydrodynamic) converter to generate electricity from the
hot plasma
- The advisory board encompasses executives from Credit Suisse, Johnson & Johnson, Rackspace Hosting,
the CIA, BT, Meryll Lynch, and others
- Robert Godes: Founder, President and CTO
- Proprietary Q-Pulse (electric pulses) technology based on Ni/H LENR
- Wants to introduce a commercial LENR reactor into the energy market
- By 2017 it wanted to raise USD 15 million. No announcement followed, that the amount was raised.
- Test results were showing a COP below 3, which appears to be too low for electricity generation
- Engaged with leading scientists and national labs, including Drs. Michael McKubre and Francis
Tanzella from SRI International to advance the development of technologies and
- Carl Page (brother of former Alphabet/Google CEO Larry Page) invested in Brillouin Energy and is
one of its board members
- Received funding from LENR Invest and Industrial Heat
- Principal LENR researcher: Dr. Ing. Jan Macák, research group leader of "Advanced
Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials"
- Received € 694,000 of EU funding as part of the HERMES
project for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat generation with hydrogen-metal systems"
based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- The company is developing ICT technology for smart electro-mobility and connected driving
- BroadBit received €450k of funding from the H2020 project of the European Union for LENR research
- Principal LENR researcher: Andras Kovacs
- Kovacs was a speaker at ICCF-22, presenting a unified theory of physics based on Clifford algebra.
Kovacs sees a connection between this theory and the LENR effects.
- Principal LENR researcher: Gaëtan De Lacheze-Murel (engineer at CEA)
- According to De Lacheze-Murel his LENR experiments are based on his personal interest and are not
related to his employment at CEA
- He carried out experiments at the École Centrale de Nantes.
These experiments include the electrical explosion of titanium wires in water and direct high-current
(single pulse) discharges in water
- De Lachez-Murel also carried experiments at the Louis de Broglie Institute,
using repetitive pulse discharges in an alkaline electrolyte. In some of the cases energy gains of
2 to 3 times the input were seen.
- Led by Hagen Ruff and Mark Snoswell
- Working on LENR based on fractionated hydrogen and quantum state energy exchange
- Received funding from Industrial Heat
- Alan Widom (professor from Northeastern University), Yogendra Srivastava
- Working with LENR Cities Suisse funded by George de Montmollin
- Principal LENR researcher: Frederick Maillard, Research Director.
His research focus is on electrochemistry and electrocatalysis at solid-liquid interfaces
- Received € 662,000 of EU funding as part of the HERMES
project for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat generation with hydrogen-metal systems"
based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- Another € 151,000 of EU funding was received as part of the
CleanHME project
- Co-operates with Japanese government and major Japanese companies/universities
- Mixed private/corporate/government funding
- Aims to prototype a commercial LENR device in 100 kW range of output
- Hideki Yoshino (CEO/Founder)
- Directors: Hideki Yoshino, Takehiko Itoh, Akio Sekiai, George Ikegawa
- Team: Yasuhiro Iwamura (Professor, Tohoku University), Takehiko Ito (Director & CTO),
Jirohta Kasagi (Emeritus Professor, Tohoku University),
- Investors include Mitsubishi Estate and Miura
- Edward N. Tsyganov
- High energy/fundamental physics laboratory
- Founder and chief scientist: Lutz Jaitner
- The CP Research group is a team of LENR experts researching condensed plasmoids, which they see as
the nuclear-active environment of LENR
- The group started as a privately-funded initiative in 2015
- Developed a new theory of LENR and derived experimental predictions from it
- Aims to develop and commercialize LENR technologies based on said theory
Cooper Core Tech Inc.
- Led by Dennis Cooper and his father
- Includes Dennis Cravens, Tom Claytor
- Discovery machine to test the performance of various fuel combinations
- New type of turbine for use with LENR
- Received funding from Industrial Heat
Deneum OU, Estonia
- Team: Dimitry Samoylovskikh (founder), Sergey Tsvetkov, Bogdan Fiedur, Wulf Kaal,
Maria Lapuk, Alexander Parkhomov, Sergey Godin
- The team is pursuing two different approaches to LENR, i.e. the reaction of sintered titanium with
hydrogen (invented by Tsvetkov) and the reaction of hydrogen with nickel powder in a electrically heated
silicon carbide pipe (invented by Parkhomov)
- The web site http://deneum.com went off line, content is posted on Facebook
- A privately funded R&D group exploring novel ideas in physics
- Principals: Harold 'Hal' E. Puthoff, Scott and Marissa Little
- Developed a very precise colorimeter, which they offer for free to test other LENR researcher's devices
- ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
It coordinates the research of universities and laboratories in Italy for the stated subject.
It also untertook LENR research in its Frascati Research Centre from the early days of the
Fleischmann/Pons discovery.
- Prof. Vittorio Violante is the head for energy production processes in deuterated metals at the
ENEA Frascati Research Centre
- Violante is a personal contact of Bill Gates into the LENR scene
- Initially ENEA collaborated strongly with U.S. institutions
(e.g. SRI International and Naval Research Lab) in LENR research
- Early work dealt with the preparation of palladium cathodes and measurement of the deuterium
loading factor
- With funding from the U.S. government ENEA measured correlated excess heat and helium production
- At the twentieth anniversary of the Fleischmann/Pons announcement ENEA published a 218-page
document "Cold Fusion -
The History of Research in Italy", which provides an important historical review of LENR history
with a focus on Italy. Vittorio Violante was among the editors.
- Principal LENR researchers: Guillaume Racineux, Claude Daviau, Didier Priem
- Presented their results on "strange radiation" in 2015 at the 11th International Workshop
on Anomalies in Hydrogen-Loaded Metals at Airbis / Tolouse. The presentation showed microscopic images
of tracks, similar to the titanium foil explosion experiments reported by Leonid Urutskoev.
- Cooperates with Institut Louis de Broglie and Gaëtan De
Lacheze-Murel of CEA
- Researches the effects on high-current pulse discharges under water
FutureON SRLS, Italy
- Research & Development: Dr György Egely, Company Director: Lindsay Newton
- György ("George") is the author of many
scientific papers and books. He is an editor of the Infinite Energy Magazine.
- Working on a LENR reactor concept which uses pulsed electrical discharges in hydrogen gas with microstructured cathodes
- Attempts direct conversion from hot electrons to electricity
- Endorsing the theory on condensed plasmoids
- Dr. Jay W. Kim, CEO and Chairman
- Dr. Larry Forsley (Lawrence Parker Galloway Forsley), Executive VP and Senior Scientist
- Builds upon 20 years of LENR R&D and product development in conjunction with US Navy SPAWAR
(Space and Naval Warfare Command) carried out by Pamela A. Boss, Frank E. Gordon, Stanislaw Szpak and
hundreds of other SPAWAR scientists
- Making claims about a hybrid fusion-fission reactor, which is supposed to be inherently safe and
clean (no chain reaction). The idea is to use neutrons from a LENR process to fission uranium etc.
- Making claims about a battery trickle-charger based on LENR
- LENR Energy and Spectroscopy Laboratory
- Has a small externally and internally funded research program
- Contact: David Nagel
- See also LENRIA and NUCAT Energy, LLC
- In 2019 a detailed article in the scientific journal "Nature" about cold fusion was published.
- Co-authored by scientists from MIT, the University of Maryland, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, the University of British Columbia, the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research and Google Inc.
- The collaborative research reported in the article was sponsored by Google with some collateral support from federally-funded scientific institutions of the US and Canada
- Entitled "Revisiting the cold case of cold fusion", the Nature article describes the preliminary results of a collaborative effort designed to take an independent, fresh look at cold fusion
- The Google-sponsored program was launched in 2015
- According to the authors no signs of the cold fusion phenomena was observed
- During the ICCF-22 conference it was learned that the Google-sponsored effort remains ongoing and
is actually being expanded
- The Nature article at the surface was once again leaving the impression that LENR does not work at all.
However, the article probably was instrumental (and intended) to break the taboo against cold fusion research
in the scientific community and to draw more people into the effort.
- A private LENR science and technology development company.
- Principal: Birger Johannson
- Also doing software development and photovoltaic
- Founded in NC USA in 2015
- Antonia La Gatta and J.T. Vaughan (IH) are directors
- Some possible association with Industrial Heat, Texas Tech University and Seashore Research
- See also TSEM and UniTSEM
- Home page of this Italian-language web site is sub-titled: "Open-Source Energy Project"
- Sees itself as an Open Power Association
- Principal Researchers: Dr. Ubaldo Mastromatteo and Prof. Ugo Abundo
- LENR research. Abundo has published results of high-current pulse electrolyses in potassium carbonate
solution with cathodes mode of tungsten powder. He saw excess heat with a max. COP of 1.3
- Delevelopment of a novel positron source for PET (tomography)
- See also ARGAL and FutureON SRLS
- Magnus Holm and Hans-Peter Bermin
- Founded in 2011
- Leonardo Corporation's Northern European licensee group since 2011
- Operates ECAT.com as the official E-CAT website of Leonardo Corporation
- Principal LENR researcher: Prof. Stephen Skinner
- The Stephen Skinner Research Group has its own web site.
It focuses on solid state energy conversion devices, based on ion-conducting oxides
- Received € 712,000 of EU funding as part of the HERMES
project for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat generation with hydrogen-metal systems"
based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- Principal LENR researcher: Prof. Francesco Celani
- Celani maintains his own web site
- INFN-LNF is an early contributor to LENR research with many published articles
- LENR experiments concentrate on constantan wires in deuterium or protium atmosphere at high
temperatures. The wires have to be activated in a complicated process.
- Working at low gas pressure with dielectric barrier discharges greatly increases the excess heat
produced by these wires
- Celani is a frequent speaker at ICCF conferences and an author of many LENR-related articles
- He is supporting the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project and
- Celani is sharing his results publicly, including the technical details of his devices
- Honary President of the Fondation Louis de Broglie: Georges Lochak
- Principle LENR researcher: Daniel Fargue (Vice President of the institute)
- Lochak developed a theory of magnetic monopoles, which are used to explain the "strange radiation"
(i.e. just CPs) tracks seen by Urutskoev and others
- Cooperates with Écoles Centrale de Nantes and
Gaëtan De Lacheze-Murel (of CEA) on LENR experiments
- Prof. Dr. Konrad Czerski teaches at the University of Szczecin and at the Technical University
of Berlin
- Dr. Armin Huke is managing director of IFK
- IFK invented a novel architecture for a nuclear fission reactor, called "dual-fluid reactor", which
operates with molten salt and molten lead
- The main purpose of IFK is to research the influence of a solid state environment on nuclear reactions
- Published many articles about nuclear reactions. Among them is an analysis how strong the Coulomb
barrier of deuterium nuclei in metallic environments are screened by the electrons (a question, which
is relevant to LENR).
- Presented at ICCF conferences
- Received 112k euros of funding for LENR research from the European Union's Horizon 2020 project
- See also Czerski's research group at the University of Szczecin
- Founder and CTO/CEO: Dr. Mitchell Swartz
- Mitchell Swartz is a prolific author of
LENR-related articles
- See also NANORtech Inc., which is a spin-off of JET Energy
- Proprietary technologies to increase the control, rate, and to monitor LENR cells
- Developed LENR metamaterials including the PHUSOR-type component. The PHUSOR contains a helical palladium
electrode and metallic nanoparticles used for high-voltage (1500 Volt) electrolysis of heavy water.
- Invented a thin LENR device, called the NANOR. It contains dry zirconium dioxide powder with embedded
palladium nanoparticles, which are deuterium-loaded
- The NANOR develops heat by applying a voltage (~1kV) to it. The observed COP (power gain) can be above
100 when the input power is in the milliwatts range. Increasing the input power to 2 W reduced the COP to 2.
The COP aparently sustains through extended periods of time without degradation.
- Published dual-color Raman spectroscopy data. The anti-Stokes line was shown to specifically detect the
active state of LENR system
- Discovered a continuous small-band radio frequency emission at 327.37 MHz, which is maser-like and is
believed to be related to deuterium in active LENR experiments
- Has created systems coupled to Stirling-cycle heat engines
- Received funding from Industrial Heat
- NANOR and PHUSOR are registered trademarks of JET Energy, Inc. They are protected by U.S. Patents
D596724, D413659 and several other patents pending.
- Key LENR researcher: Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii (Head of Department of Mathematics and
Theoretical Radiophysics)
- Visotskii is a frequent speaker at ICCF meetings, prolific author of LENR papers and he carried out
many different LENR experiments, often in cooperation with other researchers
- The most famous subject of Visotskii's LENR research is "biological transmutations", whereby certain
microorganisms have been shown to transmute elements, e.g. potassium to calcium or manganese to iron
- President and CEO: Lewis Larsen
- Integrated thin-film LENR power devices with high-temperature electrodes as heat source
- The web page is from 2003. The company is probably dormant.
LD-Brane srls, Italy
- A R&D company focused on LENR technologies
- Founders: Luca Gamberale (CEO, also CEO and Founder at Quantumatter Inc.)
& Nicolas Chauvin (LENR Cars)
- Founder: Andrea Rossi
- Announced product by January 2019: E-Cat SK
- Claimed to be available in USA, Sweden and Japan, but no customer report puplished yet
- E-Cat SK is claimed to produce intense light internally, but no externally measurable radiation
(neutrons, gamma)
- E-Cat SK is claimed to produce 22 kW in less than 0.2 cubic meter of enclosure volume
- The COP (energy gain) is claimed to be above 50
- A fuel load (believed to contain nickel and lithium aluminum hydride) is claimed to last for one year of
- Not yet certified for household usage
- ecat.com web site is operated by Hydro Fusion
- Developing mobile LENR electric generators to power electric vehicles
- Principle: Nicholas Chauvin
- Experimental LENR reactors designed and built by LENR cars in collaboration with the
Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP)
- The active nickel wires have been supplied by Dr. Francesco Celani
- Offers engineering services and LENR consulting services, organizes conferences
- Received funding from LENR Invest
- Principal: Dr. Thomas W. Grimshaw, (from the Energy Institute, University of Texas)
- Grimshaw is a LENR policy analyst and adviser
- LENRGY is a consulting and services company
Lenuco LLC, USA
- Founded by Prof. Emeritus George Miley
- Raised DARPA funds in 2015
- Has developed a gas-charged Zr/Pd/Ni/D2 pressure-induced reactor design
- Focused on refined nano-particle manufacturing methods and extending and controlling reactor runtime
- Holds several patents on LENR core technology
- Received funding from Industrial Heat and LENR Invest
Dennis Letts, USA
- Letts was trained by John Bockris and has published more then 10 peer-reviewed papers, spanning from
- Pd/D2 gas-charged high-voltage vacuum tube for heat generation
- Laser stimulation experiments of Pd/D2
- Sold his intellectual property to Industrial Heat LLC in exchange of funds for his research
- LockTherm is an Ni-Li-H LENR R&D team
- Sergei Godin and Andrei Hrischanovich, Russia (Hrischanovitch may now be working elsewhere)
- Alexander Rios and Victoria Stephens, USA
- The MIT's LENR research is taking place at the Energy Production and Conversion Group,
MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics
- Principal LENR researcher: Prof. Peter Hagelstein
- Coworkers: Florian Metzler, Sadie Forbes
- Hagelstein as an MIT Professor is working on LENR since 1989
- He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. He is a peer
reviewer of many articles in this journal.
- Hagelstein is a friendly suporter of other researchers with math and theory associated with LENR
leveraging his advanced knowledge of quantum mechanics
- He originally worked with Edward Teller under Lowell Woods at the Department of Defence for the
Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) in the Reagan era
- Developed a theory of LENR which is based on the up-conversion of phonon energy (e.g. ultrasound) to
achieve nuclear reactions in a lattice and the down-conversion of nuclear excitation energy to phonons
(e.g. heat).
- Performing experiments to evaluate his theory
- Hagelstein is a frequent speaker at virtually all ICCF meetings and MIT meetings on LENR
- Multinational engineering, electrical equipment, and electronics corporation
- Mitsubishi's original LENR method was developed by Yasuhiro Iwamura (leads LENR research at
Tohoku University). This method involves deuterium gas-permeation through thin-film multilayer structures
of palladium and calcium oxide
- Mitswubishi later switched to electrolysis, yielding hundred times more energy output
- Key staff working on LENR: Shigenori Tsuruga, Kenji Muta, Yutaka Tanaka,
Tadashi Shimazu, Koji Fujimori, Takehiko Nishida
- Tadahiko Mizuno, PhD, is a physicist, inventor and lead engineer of the technology of
Mizuno Technology Inc.
- Daniel Donatelli is the Chief Operating Officer
- This company is probably the incorporation of what was previously known as "HEAD - Hydrogen
Engineering Application & Development Company"
- HEAD was an independent research unit working mainly with Ni/H derived technologies
- In 1991 Mizuno operated a LENR experiment that proceeded to a runaway condition. Even after
disconnecting the experiment from all input power it boiled 35 liter of water.
- In 2005 another of Mizuno's LENR experiments entered a runaway condition: During an electrolysis
experiment, which normally would have transitioned to plasma electrolysis, the cell exploded forcefully.
The accident was documented thoroughly in an ICCF-12 article.
- Mizuno puplished experiments with plasma electrolysis, which achieved more excess energy output than
most other LENR approaches at that time. The devices used tungsten cathodes with a small surface area
and high current densities to perform electrolysis. The cothode was covered with a sheath of
brightly-shining plasma.
- Mizuno received funding from Industrial Heat
- Mizuno is the author of a book about LENR: Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion
which describes his early experimental work
- His latest type of published experiments is based on palladium-rubbed nickel meshes with gas loading
of deuterium or protium. In some cases the palladium was sputtered on the meshes by means of a
low-pressure plasma discharge.
- As of 2020 the new Mizuno Tech web site states: "Even rudimentary small devices can output 10-15kW of
thermal energy which can be converted to steam or to spin super-critical CO2 turbines for
producing combined heat and power for homes and factories". Furthermore it claims: "With just simple
engineering and using semiconductor mass production technology the output can be scaled up to large
quantities of excess heat, making the technology interesting for wide range of applications".
- Mizuno is the author of an international patent application filed by
Clean Planet Inc, Hydrogen Eng Application & Development Co, granted
in 2018 as AU2014291181B2
- The company is seeking for addidional Investors
- Founder: Dr. Mitchell Swartz
- NANORtech, Inc. is a spin-off of JET Energy, Inc., which was also founded by
Mitchell Swartz
- Has support from Peter Hagelstein, MIT
- Manufacturing dry preloaded NANOR-type LENR components
- Designs/assembles support systems for imaging, monitoring, and driving NANOR-type LENR components
- Manufactures unique and custom LENR-active metallic nano-particles
- LENR cells (NANOR, PHUSOR etc.) using metallic nano-particles
- Mark L. LeClair, CEO & Founder, Sergey Lebid (president & co-founder)
- Commercializes cavitation reentrant jet-based tools and processes
- Discovered strong LENR effects (fusion, fission, transmutations, excess heat) based on cavitation
in ordinary water
- A 1.25" inner diameter by 12" long reactor produced 2.9 kW of hot water using only 840 watts of
input (COP of 3.4)
- Provided microscopic evidence of condensed plasmoids in their device
- Found out the hard way that cavitation-based LENR emits intense x-ray radiation
- The company meanwhile went silent about their LENR research
- Key personell involved with LENR: Dennis Bushnell (chief scientist),
Dr. Michael A. Nelson (LENR Space Applications Lead), David Wells (Aeronautical engineer),
Dr. Joseph Zawodny (senior research scientist)
- Bushnell and Zawodny recognized the validity and potential revolutionary nature of LENR as a source
of energy for terrestrial and space applications. They have written several articles and produced videos
that explain their interests in LENR
- Bushnell believes the Widom-Larsen LENR theory is viable and has written about it
- Zawodny said that NASA would perform experiments that would attempt to confirm the Widom-Larsen theory.
Apparently these tests were produced at the Naval Research Laboratory.
- Principle LENR researchers: Gustave C. Fralick, Arthur J. Decker, and James W. Blue
- Early contributor to LENR research with a number of publications at lenr-canr.org
- In 1996 found excess heat with nickel and light water in potassium carbonate electrolysis
- Dr. James Truchard (founder and former CEO)
- Principal LENR researcher: Dennis Cravens
- Cooperates with Dennis Letts
- Made live demos of LENR experiments
- Supported Andrea Rossi with control electronics
- NRL is a military research facility in the U.S.
- NRL was an early contributor to LENR research in cooperation with SRI International
and ENEA
- In a 2018 press anouncement it was disclosed that NRL gave a $12M plasma physics contract to
MacAulay-Brown, Inc. (part of Alion): "For this effort the contractor will will perform on-site
experimental and theoretical research in pulsed power physics and engineering, plasma physics, intense
laser and charged particle-beam physics, advanced radiation production, and transport. Additional
work will include electromagnetic-launcher technology, the physics of LENR and advanced energetics,
production of high-power microwave sources, and the development of new techniques to diagnose and
advance those experiments".
- Concluding from this press announcement one might wonder, whether LENR technology becomes weaponized
even before civilian applications emerge for it
- Peter Björkbom, founder and CEO
- Working to develop and market a new energy source based on LENR
- Founded in 2009 by Grebenkin Oleg Anatolievich
- The company aggregates the research efforts of disparate scientific groups in Russian universities
- Principal Researchers: Anatoly Klimov (plasma physics), N. Magnitskii (theory and mathematics)
and Dr. N. Evstigneev
- Fundamentals of the new mathematical theory were layed out
- Anomalously high excess heat release in gas flow plasmoid formations was observed
- Heat COP (energy gain) of devices created in New Inflow is 6 to 8
- Transmutations observed
- Devices run on a wide range of materials, not limited to palladium and nickel
- Founded and led by: Prof. Francesco Piantelli
- Discovered the anomalous heat effect in Nickel-Hydrogen systems in 1989
- Holds several patents: PCT/IT95/00008, PCT/IB2009/007549, PCT/IB2012/052100, PCT/IB2012/053615, ITPI2011A000107
- Achieved excess heat in the order of 70 W with input of 30 W for almost one year with nickel rods
in a hydrogen gas atmosphere
- Received funding from LENR Invest and Industrial Heat
Nickel-Hydrogen Research Center, China
- Status is unknown
- According to a news report from the Chinese Icebank a Nickel-Hydrogen Research Center in the Tianjin Huayuan Industrial Park in Tianjin
- Tom Darden, CEO of Cherokee Investment Partners and Chairman of Industrial Heat, LLC was present at the
opening ceremony held on April 16, 2014
- Other officials mentioned as being present are: Academy of Science and Technology Development researcher
Dr. Zhao Gang, chairman of green low-carbon energy planning Dean / High Energy Investment Group Daisi Jia Ling;
U.S. representatives: California legislators Travis Allen, California parliamentary Chinese affairs adviser,
JD Jeff Leader, Triangle Park, North Carolina
- LENR research in Japan is sponsored through the national research and development agency "New Energy
and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)"
- The joint research team of NEDO's nano-metal hydrogen energy project (NEDO-MHE) consisted of Technova,
Nissan and the universities Tohoku, Kyushu, Nagoya and Kobe
- Within this project Technova and Nissan carried out evaluation and survey studies
- The principal LENR researcher of Nissan: Masanori Nakamura
- Principals include Leif Homlid (professor emeritus at the University of Gothenburg)
and Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen
- The current company is the result of Norrønt Fusion Energy AS and Ultra Fusion Nuclear Power AB
- Major share holders: Leif Holmlid, GU Ventures AB,
Norrønt AS (a multi-disciplinary consulting firm), 4S&D AS,
Myon AS
- Experiments induce nuclear reactions by laser pulses in deuterium gas at solid surfaces
- Theoretical explanation attempts span from ultra-dense hydrogen based on Bose-Einstein condensation of
Rydberger matter over myon-catalyzed fusion to proton annihilation
- Holding patent(s) on using YAG-Laser to produce Rydberg hydrogen
- Prof. David J. Nagel
- The company seems to be dormant. The Web site has not been updated since around 2011.
- Offers consulting services
- no LENR products available
- See also George Washington University and
- CEO: Angelo Ovidi (also CTO of LENR-Cities)
- Provides guidance on using LENR technologies to remediate nuclear waste
- Director: Ooyama Kazuo
- Presented a "Metal crystal confinement fusion reactor" at a conference in Japan 2019
PointSource, USA
- Curt Brown with assistance from Pam Boss, Larry Forsley
- Licensed three LENR patens from Dennis Cravens, all of which relate to "solid state tokamak" LENR reactor
- Received funding from Industrial Heat
- Richard Reichmann, CEO and chairman of the board
- The Solfire LENR technology is based on water-vapor-operated plasma jet discharge using heavy water or
light water and a palladium cathode
- Received patent protection for the Solfire technology in about 50 countries
- Offers production licenses of Solfire
- No news available about Solfire since 2014
- Filed patents on Ni-Li-H LENR systems
- Oleg Olshansky, Emanuel Hubeny (Cz), Andrey Kolosov (Ru)
Quantum Potential Corp., USA
- Founded in 2010 at the State College Pennsylvania
- Principals: Max I. Fomitchev-Zamilov, Alex Kosik
- R&D in the areas of LENR, fusion, and plasma projects
- Focus on cavitation-induced fusion
- This research group is led by Prof. Dr. Konrad Czerski
- The research group is in the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the Centre for Experimental Physics "eLBRUS"
- For the EU-funded CleanHME project a postdoctoral position was
created by eLBRUS
- The group wants to "design and carry out accelerator experiments under ultra-high vacuum conditions
at the lowest possible projectile energies, diagnostics of target samples using different surface physics
methods, modelling of reaction mechanisms, extrapolating of reaction rates down to room temperature,
detection of nuclear products in gas loading experiments"
- The University of Szczecin received € 1 million of funding from the EU for the
CleanHME project
- See also IFK
- According to Steven B. Krivit from New Energy Times (2011) two Shell
scientists, Anitha Sarkar and Gilles Buchs, with the backing of the Shell GameChanger
program, were looking for opportunities to work actively with Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) experts
- This activity was triggered by Edward Beardsworth, a venture capitalist at Jane Capital Partners. It also
follows an inquiry from the United States intelligence community into LENR
- Already in 1995, Shell sponsored LENR research at the French laboratory Laboratoire des Sciences Nucléaires
at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)
- The current status of LENR research at Shell is unknown
Seashore Research LLC, USA
- Spin out of Texas Tech University
- Principal LENR researcher: Prof. Robert V. Duncan (Vice President for Research)
- Aparently also Michael C. McKubre and Alison Godfrey are also involved in this company
- Initially funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $6M
- The company was tight-lipped about the results of their LENR research for the last couple of years,
which might explain why it has no web site
SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Command)
- SPAWAR was an early contributor to LENR research with many articles centered around electrolytic
palladium/deuterium co-deposition
- See Global Energy Corporation
- The Stanford Research Institute International is a nonprofit scientific research institute and
organization. In 1970 it was formally separated from Stanford University.
- SRI performs client-sponsored research and development for government agencies, commercial
businesses, and private foundations. It also licenses its technologies, forms strategic partnerships,
sells products, and creates spin-off companies.
- SRI's focus areas include biomedical sciences, chemistry and materials, computing, Earth and space
systems, economic development, education and learning, energy and environmental technology, security
and national defense
- SRI International was an early and important contributor to LENR research. It then collaborated
with ENEA
- Key LENR researchers: Dr. Michael McKubre (Director Energy Research Center) and
Dr. Francis Tanzella, senior electrochemist
- McKubre has written more than a dozen articles about his LENR research and is a frequent speaker
at ICCF conferences
- Another SRI figure in the LENR space is Harold 'Hal' E. Puthoff. In the 1970s and '80s
Puthoff directed a CIA/DIA-funded program at SRI International to investigate paranormal abilities
(Remote Viewing). Puthoff invented physical devices, holds patents, and published papers on theoretical
- Puthoff / SRI and the CIA were supporters of the work of Ken Shoulders on charge clusters,
which are fundamental to LENR.
- Puthoff made Andrea Rossi believe, that the fundamental processes of his e-Cat device are based on
the Casimir effect.
- McKubre, Tanzella and Puthoff are still very present in the LENR scene, but activities have shifted
to commercial enterprises
- Principal LENR researchers: Prof. Dr. Aliaksandr Bandarenka (physics of energy conversion and storage)
and Dr. Batyr Garlyyev (Electrocatalysis for Energy Applications)
- Received € 688,000 of EU funding as part of the HERMES
project for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat generation with hydrogen-metal systems"
based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- Technova is owned by Toyota Motor Corporation
- LENR R&D leader in providing research grants and advocating for government support.
- Leading LENR researcher: Akito Takahashi (retired professor from Osaka University)
- Takahashi-san and team have published very many LENR papers. Among the topics is Takahashi's LENR theory
of Tetrahedral Symmetric Condensate (TSC). The theory models the symmetric compression of four hydrogen atoms
until they fuse.
TET - Laboratory of Experimental Physics, Ukraine and Russia
- Experimentalists working to develop devices based on plasma electrolysis, LENR and magnets
- Andrew Hrischanovich
- The TET web site www.tet.in.ua is unreachable as of 2020
- Did replications related to Rossi and Celani, but COP was a mere 1.11 to 1.14
- A national university housing the Condensed Matter Nuclear Reaction (CMNR) Joint Research Division.
- Principal LENR scientists: Yasuhiro Iwamura, Takehiko Itoh and Jirohta Kasagi,
working in the Research Center for Electron Photon Science at Tohoku University
- Collaborates closely with Clean Planet Inc
- Was part of the NEDO project
- Cooperates closely with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries ltd.
- The main type of experiment from Iwamura-san is based on hydrogen gas permeation through a multilayer
structure of palladium and calcium oxide. Elements deposited on these structures can be transmuted into
elements, which are heavier by a multiple of helium-4 nuclei.
TSEM, Italy
- Antonio La Gatta, founder and president
- Remarkably, the domain tsem.com is now for sales. Does this mean, TSEM as a company no longer exists?
- Focusing on energy, security and healthcare technologies
- Employs over 80 people
- La Gatta has discovered a system for triggering and enhancing LENR reactions in electrolytic
Pd/D2 cells
- Organizer of ICCF-19
- Seems to cooperate with Tom Darden of Industrial Heat, the MIT, and Texas Tech University
- See also UniTSEM and HMRI R&D
Unified Gravity Corporation USA
- Established to prove the LENR research of Hubert M. Lipinski and Stephen A. Lipinski
- There are several patents from these researchers: Hydrogen-lithium fusion device (WO2014189799A9),
Fusion heat engine and electrogravity generator methods and applications (WO2010008625A2),
Hydrogen-lithium fusion device, method and applications (US20090274256A1),
Hydrogen-lithium fusion device (CA2912694A1)
- This company will own the intellectual property developed by Antonio La Gatta, see TSEM above
- Team includes Antonio La Gatta, Michael McKubre and Trevor Dardik
- Intends to develop the LENR triggering technology
- La Gatta's original prototype experiment is believed to have generated a COP (energy gain) of 1000
with 70 mW input power over 10 minutes. It was wittnessed by Vittorio Violante of ENEA.
- Located in Lubbock, Texas, in close proximity of Texas Tech University, which supports UniTSEM technically
- Received funding from Industrial Heat
- See also TSEM and HMRI R&D
- Principal LENR researcher: Matthias Vandichell, chemical sciences. His research interests include computational catalysis, electronic structure calculations, high-performance computing, molecular modeling.
- Received € 456,000 of EU funding as part of the HERMES
project for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat generation with hydrogen-metal systems"
based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- Leads the EU-funded HERMES project consortium
- Principal LENR researcher: Prof. Pekka Peljo
- Received € 402,000 of funding from the EU for research on "breakthrough zero-emissions heat
generation with hydrogen-metal systems" based on deuterium/palladium electrolysis
- Received EU funding of € 460 thousand for the CleanHME project
- Bo Höistad (Emeritus Prof.) with Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér of
Uppsala University were among the authors of the so-called Lugano Report of Andrea Rossi's hot e-Cat reactor
- The company is mainly involved in design and manufacturing of custom equipment for chemicals and
heat treatment
- It received € 880 thousand from the EU for the CleanHME project
- Will they manufacture the LENR apparati for Prof. Konrad Czerski and the consortium?